Thank you…

This is a post to someone who doesn’t want any birthday wishes on her birthday today.  She has forbidden Facebook posts, birthday messages and any form of celebration.  Therefore I won’t mention her name, just that she’s related to me.

She can be a right royal pain in the arse, but she’s also proven to be an ally to me in battles I wouldn’t have been able to fight alone and a great help to my parents and her friends.  As stubborn as we both are, we have our share of fights and as much love as there is between us we get over them to focus on more important things.

She has been welcoming to my fiancé who appreciates her greatly for that, and I’m over the moon that they get on so well.  She has been and continues to be a rock in the planning of my impending marriage and anyone who has let her out of their lives has sincerely, without reservation, been at a great loss.  Never ever underestimate this one people.  Here is someone who is loyal, caring and trustworthy and will go to the ends of the Earth for those she deems deserving of her time.

Her talent has shone in her endeavours, and I’m dying to see her get the biggest break of her life so she can reap her rewards.  Our family home is a showcase for the talent, as is her implementation of the vision of other individuals in their own businesses.  Big things are coming for her, if she stays motivated and keeps her spirits positive.

So, no message saying happy birthday, but instead a thank you to her and her continued, welcomed presence in my life and the lives of all we know.

Oh, and a few pictures to make her smile 🙂




Daryl says happy birthday!

Okay, fine, one Happy Birthday message :p

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